free tax preparation to low and moderate-income households.
Did you make less than $67,000 in 2024 and need help filing your taxes?
We’re here to help! Our IRS-certified volunteers offer free tax preparation and assistance to those who qualify. Whether you need help filing your returns or have tax-related questions, we’ve got you covered.
Appointments will be available for the next tax season starting January 2025. Call 211 to schedule your appointment or click below to book a spot at a specific location.
What to Bring
Volunteer Opportunity
Are you looking for a meaningful way to give back to your community? Join the VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) program and make a difference this tax season! Volunteers with VITA provide free tax preparation assistance to individuals and families who need it most. No prior tax experience is required – training is provided!
Why Volunteer with VITA?
Gain valuable experience in tax preparation and customer service.
Help low-income individuals and families file their taxes for free.
Make a lasting impact on your community by reducing financial stress for those in need.
Receive free tax training and IRS certification as VITA tax preparer.
Volunteer Opportunities:
Tax Preparer: Assist individuals with preparing and filing their tax returns.
Intake Specialist: Help clients gather necessary documents and provide initial assistance.
Client Facilitator: Support the flow of clients and ensure a smooth tax filing process.
Quality Reviewer: Review tax returns to ensure accuracy and compliance.
Don’t miss out on the chance to make a difference in your community this tax season!