Home improvement measures at no cost to income-eligible families throughout San Diego County.
MAAC’s Weatherization program has been in operation since 1978 through a partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy.
Charlena’s story
Charlena found herself facing a familiar dilemma: the challenge of maintaining a home with limited resources. Retired and on a fixed income, she and her husband struggled to afford essential upgrades. Fortunately, they discovered MAAC’s Weatherization services could transform their lives for the better, aligning perfectly with MAAC’s mission of maximizing self-sufficiency with families and individuals through high-quality programs and advocacy in our communities.
MAAC’s Weatherization Program offers home improvement measures at no cost to income-eligible families throughout San Diego County. Designed to reduce energy consumption, these services include the replacement of inefficient appliances, window sealing or replacement, weather-stripping of doors, installation of low-flow shower heads, and even the provision of smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors if necessary.
For Charlena, the Weatherization Program provided much-needed repairs and upgrades, such as new windows, a water heater, and an air conditioning unit. These improvements not only enhanced the safety of their home but also significantly increased its comfort and efficiency. Charlena fondly recalls how their once-noisy appliances now hum quietly, how winter’s chill is now met with warmth, and how their home feels healthier and more vibrant than ever before.
Interested households can call to access these FREE services. Screening for eligibility is based on income and household size, with priority given to particularly vulnerable households such as the elderly, persons with disabilities, or families with children. For additional information, please contact Weatherization Services at (619) 409-7588.
Need Weatherization Help?
Please call: (619) 409-7588.
Or fill out the Interest Form