Energy Assistance

financial assistance to help balance an eligible household’s utility bill

MAAC is dedicated to reducing poverty by helping low-income individuals and families achieve and maintain economic security, meet their home utility needs, and reduce their utility costs through energy efficiency upgrades and access to clean renewable energy.

The Low Income Household Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a federally funded program aimed at assisting low-income households that pay a high portion of their income to meet their energy needs. LIHEAP is funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Community Services.

A hand is pointing to the light on a wall.
A group of light bulbs hanging from the ceiling.


  • One-time benefit: The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) provides one-time, once-a-year, financial assistance to help balance an eligible household’s utility bill.
  • Maximum Benefit: Will be based on household size and gross total monthly income. Program can assist up to $1,000.00 in benefit limit. Program can assist up to $1,000.00 in benefit limit.
  • Disconnection notices: Assists low-income households that received a 24-48 hour disconnect notice or service termination by their utility company.
  • Coverage: Payment can cover a household’s current or past due energy bill (electricity, gas, etc.)

Benefits will be paid directly to owners and operators of public systems (your service provider), or through certified mail, via check sent to your home address (considerations may apply).

Applicants must:

  • Have access to an email account.
  • Submit proof of a government-issued photo Identification.
    • Examples include State identification (ID) card, Tribal identification (ID) card, Driver’s license, U.S. passport or passport card, U.S. military card (front and back), Military dependent’s ID card (front and back), Permanent Resident Card, Certificate of Citizenship, Certificate of Naturalization, Employment Authorization Document.
    • An expired government-issued ID is acceptable for one year from the expiration date.
    • For seniors 60 and over, an expired government-issued ID is acceptable regardless of expiration date.
  • Have at hand the most current energy bill. A copy of the bill in its entirety will be required.
    • The applicant may be a member of the household. It is not required that the applicant’s name be the same as the account holder (will be required to fill out additional forms).
  • Reside in MAAC’s service area:
91901 91912 91932 91963 92020 92114
91902 91913 91934 91977 92021 92135
91903 91914 91935 91978 92022 92136
91905 91915 91947 91979 92040 92139
91906 91916 91948 91980 92066 92153
91910 91917 91950 92014 92071 92154
91911 91931 91962 92019 92113 92173
  • Be income eligible.
    • The household must be 60% under the SMI (State Medium Income for California).
    • Or categorically eligible if a member of your household is a current recipient of CalWorks, or CalFresh.
    • Review the chart below to verify household income eligibility.


Persons in
1 $3,170.00
2 $4,145.41
3 $5,120.83
4 $6,096.25
5 $7,071.58
6 $8,047.00
7 $8,229.91
8 $8,412.75
9 $8,595.66
10* $8,778.58
* Income amounts for family sizes greater than six persons were determined based on the following calculation: Add 3% to 132% for each additional family member, multiply the new percentage by $73,155, and divide by 12. Example: household size of 7: 132% + 3% = 135% × $73,155 = $98,759 ÷ 12 = $8,229.91 per month.

  • If your household (name of client, address, energy account number) was approved for benefit during the previous year. Your application process will be denied. A household may reapply only if it has passed 365 days after their last approved application.
  • Clients are assisted on a first come first served basis, Income Eligibility, and dependent on their Priority Points calculation.
  • Additional Priority Points are given to households that include persons 60 years or older, persons FIVE years or younger, and household members with disabilities.
  • Funding is limited and we cannot guarantee benefit approval once an application is submitted.
  1. Go to the MAAC LIHEAP web page and apply.
  2. Fill out the Energy Intake Form (the application).
  3. Attach the required documentation to your application.
    1. Government Issued photo ID,
    2. Proof of Income,
    3. Most current energy bill in its entirety,
    4. For categorical eligibility, CalFresh or CalWORKs award/benefit letters.
  4. Based on the priority point calculation of your application, our staff may require you to complete additional forms and documentation.
  5. Households at risk of disconnection will be prioritized. Utility Specialists will determine eligibility for the household and depending on the information a household provides, PRIORITIZE the assistance.
  6. Wait for confirmation from our staff that your application process will begin.
  7. Communication will be through email.
  • What if the client does not provide accurate and complete information and/or documentation? All required documentation must accompany the application to qualify.
  • How much time does the application process take? The complete process from review to payment can take an estimate of 8 to 10 weeks.
  • Will LIHEAP pay for my utility bill? The program is designed to help households mitigate the burden of a past due energy bill. The benefit will be granted according to each household’s particular situation (income, size, monthly charge, etc.).
  • Does LIHEAP cover the full amount of my debt? It will depend on each household’s particular situation (income, size, monthly charge, etc.). The maximum program allocation amount may not exceed $1,000.00.
  • How would I know if I was approved for the benefit? When the review process is complete, you will receive an email notice to DocuSign your application. Only once we receive the signed application, you will be sent an approval letter, notifying the amount the benefit granted.

SDG&E® offers a Community-Based Organization (CBO) Arrears Case Management Pilot program to help qualifying residential customers manage outstanding energy bill debt and prevent disconnections.

What is the CBO Arrears Case Management Pilot?
The CBO Arrears Case Management Pilot program is a collaborative effort between SDG&E and the selected CBO, MAAC (Metropolitan Area Advisory Committee on Anti-Poverty of San Diego County, Inc.). The program offers different levels of direct customer support, including case management, by connecting SDG&E customers with available resources, programs, and tools to help lower past-due energy bills.

Who is eligible?
This pilot program is only available to a limited number of eligible customers:

  • Must be a residential SDG&E customer
  • Reside in specific zip codes. The California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) has identified the following zip codes: 92102, 92104, 92105, 92115, 92116
  • Have outstanding electric or gas bills at least 90 days past due and may be at risk for disconnection (received a past-due or disconnection notice)

Pilot Program Participation
If selected for the pilot, participants will work with a Case Manager from MAAC at least once every quarter throughout the program period. At each meeting, you can engage in one-on-one support to discuss progress and help connect you with resources and tools.

Where can I get more information?
For more information about this pilot program, including how to participate, please visit or call 619.426.3595.


If you have questions regarding the LIHEAP program, please contact us via phone at 619.434.3829 or email
  • Follow up, status Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
  • To ask for the status of an application process, make comments, to request assistance for disconnections or 48-hour disconnection notices, call Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
  • The household will be required to present the disconnection documentation.

Assistance Clinics

Applicants who are unable to apply online may attend an in-person clinic, where you will be assisted only for intake of information and receiving documents (we will not process your application that day).

Wednesdays 9:00 am – 12:00 pm or 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
at the MAAC Community Room
1387 Third Avenue
Chula Vista, CA 91911

NOTE: Staff WILL NOT PROCESS APPLICATIONS nor give grants, benefits, and letters of approval at our assistance clinics.