MAAC’s DUI Program serves nearly 1,600 participants every month

MAAC’s Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Education Program aims to reduce the negative impact and number of people driving under the influence of controlled substances. The program is part of MAAC’s Health & Well-being pathway and offers safe, supportive, and confidential counseling services to individuals whose driving privileges have been restricted due to DUI.

This program is one of three agencies in San Diego County that are licensed by the State of California and approved through the DMV. MAAC DUI serves nearly 1,600 participants every month.

Two men sitting at a table with papers in front of them.
Two men sitting at a table with papers in front of them.



1355 Third Avenue
Chula Vista, CA 91911
DUI Program Entrance is Located on the North Side of the Building, directly behind the taco shop



8 AM – 9 PM
(619) 409-1780


8 AM – 5 PM

A woman sitting at a desk talking to another person.

Participants are referred by the San Diego County Superior Court, San Diego County Probation Office, or the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). MAAC’s team of certified alcohol and drug counselors provides individual and group counseling sessions, as well as education services and resources to drivers and their families. While enrolled in the program, participants explore and discuss their relationship with alcohol or drugs with the goal of identifying the causes that led them to drink and drive, and ultimately prevent a recurrence.

The program takes between 6 weeks to 18 months to complete. Counseling sessions and classes are available in English and Spanish, five days per week with day and evening options to offer participants flexibility in scheduling.

Since its establishment in 1976, the program has helped more than 63,000 individuals re-evaluate their relationship with controlled substances to keep our streets and communities safer.

A man and woman are talking to some people.

How to Sign Up for a Mandated DUI Program

Participants should have the following information on hand to start the enrollment process (this can usually be found on court referrals or DMV driving history).
  • Current Address

  • Phone Number
  • Date of Birth
  • Arrest Date
  • BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration)
  • Case Number
  • Driver’s License Number
  • Court Referral OR DMV Printout/Admin Per Se

  • Email Address

You will need to schedule an appointment for orientation by calling (619) 409-1780 ext. 1201. It is the participant’s responsibility to know what program they will be enrolling in as MAAC does not determine the length or type of program participants enroll in.
A woman standing in front of a flip chart.


Participants will review program rules, sign a payment contract, and consent forms and will then be sent to our scheduling team for program set up.

The team will schedule participants for classes and education sessions at that time. Only those requesting proof of enrollment will get a copy. Please allow 5 business days for this to occur. Participants should be ready with dates and times they will be available to take classes. Group sessions run from 9 am to 7 pm, days vary.

From here participants are ready to take classes. If taking in-person classes, please arrive 10 minutes prior to start time.If doing live virtual services via the zoom platform you must set up a zoom account with the name you registered with.You will receive a zoom link the day of your scheduled activity and must sign in 5 to 10 minutes early to deal with any possible connectivity issues. There is NO grace period for any scheduled activities either in person or virtual, you MUST arrive or sign in on time, our zero tolerance policystates you will not be allowed in if late even if it is one minute there is no grace period. Rules and regulations will be followed during Zoom meetings. Participants must use the same name that was used for registration into the program during Zoom meetings, for identification purposes, if there is no name or you don’t have a zoom account entry into the virtual groups or educations will not be allowed, this is to protect confidentiality.

Classes are completed based upon state requirements and length of program needed. Any missed activities will result in a delayed completion program and a missed activity fee will be applied to your account.

Program completion takes place when the participant finishes all groups, face-to-face sessions, educations, self-help meetings, and they must have a zero balance on the participant’s account. The DMV will be notified within 10 days of completion.

A group of people standing in front of a wall.

Program Resources

Name Email Ext
Lily Aldrete laldrete@maacproject.org Ext 1230
Rudy Orozco rorozco@maacproject.org Ext 1227
Cynthia Castillon ccastillon@maacrproject.org Ext 1360
Gildardo Cazares gicazares@maacproject.org Ext 1220
Rob Gideon rgideon@maacproject.org Ext 1245
Rose Gomez rgomez@maacproject.org Ext 1234
April Faubel afaubel@maacproject.org Ext 1226
Walter Hutchins whutchins@maacproject.org Ext 291
Macrina Leyva mleyva@maacproject.org Ext 1224
Lydia Lopez llopez@maacproject.org Ext 1222
John McCready jmccready@maacproject.org Ext 1232
Jessica Godinez jgodinez@maacproject.org Ext 1286
Lenny Bolton lbolton@maacproject.org Ext 1221
Debra Scott descott@maacproject.org
Ty Tyler tztyler@maacproject.org Ext 1218
Linda Rios Velasquez lvelasquez@maacproject.org Ext 1361

Gracie Pelayo, Program Administrative Coordinator, gpelayo@MAACproject.org, x1215

We are currently conducting services using the HIPAA-compliant Zoom platform. If you need assistance or tutorial instructions, please review this information.

Session registration requires first and last name and shared video and audio. We recommend registering at least 5 minutes prior to each session to ensure adequate connectivity and admittance into the session.

In addition, the following documentation and steps will be needed to complete enrollment.

Step 1

A Court referral OR DMV Admin Per Se (APS) and Citation from law enforcement or a Driving History Print out from the DMV, will be needed at the time of the appointment for orientation.

  • Court Referral: Given to participant at the San Diego County’s Substance Abuse Assessment Unit (SAAU) after court date.
  • DMV Admin Per Se: Letter from the DMV stating that participant’s license was suspended and this document will include the arrest date.
  • Driving History Print Out: This is required IF you want proof of enrollment sent to the DMV for a restricted license.
  • Citation from law enforcement can be used but must be accompanied with the Admin Per Se letter from the DMV.

Step 1

A Court referral OR DMV Admin Per Se (APS) and Citation from law enforcement or a Driving History Print out from the DMV, will be needed at the time of the appointment for orientation.

  • Court Referral: Given to participant at the San Diego County’s Substance Abuse Assessment Unit (SAAU) after court date.
  • DMV Admin Per Se: Letter from the DMV stating that participant’s license was suspended and this document will include the arrest date.
  • Driving History Print Out: This is required IF you want proof of enrollment sent to the DMV for a restricted license.
  • Citation from law enforcement can be used but must be accompanied with the Admin Per Se letter from the DMV.

Step 2

Down payment will need to be made at the time of orientation. Forms of payment accepted include money order, Visa, or Master Card. We do not accept cash. Participants must confirm with the receptionist when scheduling their appointment on the amount that will be due. Prices are subject to change.

Step 3

Photo identification, names and photo ID need to match the paperwork.

Step 4

Bring the documentation listed above to orientation. This will help speed up the process.

Step 5

For Telehealth Services participants will need a valid email and the Zoom app downloaded on their electronic device and a zoom account with name as registered with DUI program.